21 Things I’m Grateful For

My faith is everything to me. God is beyond good to me, far more than I deserve. Without him this list would be nothing. I’m grateful for the life he lets me live and for the unconditional, undeserving love and forgiveness.

I admire and respect my mom more than anyone on this earth. She taught me the meaning of hard work, love of people, and the importance of self-confidence. She is the strongest woman, scratch that, Person I know. She’s also crazy and makes me laugh.

My show’s me what it means to be a good husband and father. He sacrifices his comfort and safety for our sake. He love’s me unconditionally and has always supported my decisions, he lets me learn from my mistakes. For this, I’m forever grateful.

My Brothers
They get on my nerves. Often. But, I look up to each of them. They look out for me, protect me, and care about my well-being. I try to do the same. They make me laugh and don’t judge me. 

I am blessed with an amazing family beyond my parents and brothers. I have an amazing sister-in-law, two beautiful nieces, and a genius nephew. I have a couple awesome cousins and an aunt who loves me unconditionally (and makes the best cream corn and potato salad, for that I am TRULY grateful.)

New Friends
Over the past two years God has brought some amazing new people into my life. They bring joy and laughter to my life. 

Old Friends
Over 21 years some amazing people have entered my life and I’ve been blessed to have some of them hang around. They share some of my fondest memories, they were there through my worst days. They keep me on check and motivate me to be better. 

Journey Church
I love this church. I love the leadership, the amazing body of believers, the mission, and the  transparent heart. I am blessed to be apart of it and honored they let me be. 

Journey Refuge
I love this ministry and I love the people who make it up. I’m excited for the future and thrilled that I get to do life with these people. 

Journey Kids
This ministry blesses me. I love the leadership, the volunteers, and the kids that make it up. Serving with them on Sundays always brings a smile to my face.

I love my school and I love my education. But, I’m most grateful for second chances and amazing opportunities. Also, Go HEELS! 

This place provides me with a delicious coffee, a study hall, friends, laughter, and a paycheck. What more can I ask for really?

This opportunity changed my perspective of myself, the world, and the Gospel. God used that week to wreck me. 

My iPhone
I had to have one materialistic one! Really, this thing never leaves my side and has saved my butt on multiple occasions.

Yummi Japan
I feel as though this one speaks for itself. 

I get to laugh more than any human should. I also make people laugh sometimes. I’m thankful for both things.

Role Models
 God has placed SO many amazing leaders and role models in my life on a personal level. I look up to them and I love them. They inspire and challenge me. 

..who get me out of speeding tickets.

Not Drinking
A long time ago I made a commitment to myself that I would not drink until I was 21 years old. I made it. 

The Past
God has used my past experiences, the good and the bad, to shape me. He strengthened, grew, and stretched me into the person I am today. Looking at where I’ve been gets me excited about where I’m going. 

The Future
Just like he used the past, he’s going to use the future to continuously mold me into who he needs be to be. I look forward to where God is going to take me. The future is still a big mystery to me, but I’m excited nonetheless. 

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