About Me

My name is Joe Roy. I’m a 22-year-old student. I go to UNC Chapel Hill, majoring in Communications Studies. I’m sinner saved by grace. Fervently seeking out God’s will for my life and unceasingly praying I never lose sight of what’s important.

The past couple years have been an extreme roller coaster! I’m starting a new chapter in my life, turning the page, and giving God the pen. I have heart for the local church, a love for kids, and a passion for Missions. God’s allowed me to experience some amazing things in life so far. He has placed some big desires on my heart. I can only anticipate what he has in store for the next sixty years.

I love photography. It’s something that I’ve grown more passionate about. I want to learn as much as I can about it. I tend to listen to Top40’s and music that makes me want to dance! I’m a total dork and my favorite color is orange!

“I pray that when I die, all of hell will rejoice that I am no longer in the fight.”
-C.T. Studd

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